Employee Spotlight: Noah Ginsberg

Noah Ginsberg, our administrative assistant, shares some important Jewish traditions and practices that his family observes during Jewish holidays as we celebrate Jewish Heritage Month.

Name: Noah Ginsberg
Job title: Administrative Assistant, Publicity
Handle: @noahcoolberg
Pronouns: He/him

Can you tell us a little about your family’s Jewish background and how it has influenced your life?
Although my family comes from Russia/Poland, the culture that was passed on to me and that I was raised in was distinctly Jewish. My extended family doesn’t meet up very often, but we always come together for the various Jewish holidays throughout the year. Most memories that I have with my cousins, aunts, and uncles all took place at some Jewish holiday.

What are some important traditions and practices that you and your family observe during Jewish holidays?
I was just back home a few weeks back for my family’s Passover seder. My dad is such an entertainer – he has a whole routine planned for telling the story of Passover. I had my two roommates come up and join our seder this year, which was lovely. One of my roommates is Jewish and the other is not, so we got to teach our non-Jewish roommate the story of Passover and what it means to the Jewish people.

Name an artist that identifies with the Jewish culture/community that has inspired you throughout your life/career, and how did they do so?
Definitely HAIM! I’ve always loved their music and they are always post social content around the High Holidays/Hannukah that is so hilarious. It’s cool to see people that I look up to embrace their religion and culture.

How can we educate supporting communities to better understand Jewish culture, heritage and challenges?
Reaching out to Jewish friends or people in your life and hearing what Judaism means to them is a great start. A lot of times people think of the Jewish community as a monolith, but people’s connection to the religion and what it means to them comes in so many different shapes and forms.