Meet Anna McCown, our Director of Commerce. Read more about Anna’s journey as a plant mom and her efforts to use sustainable resources to save our planet as we celebrate our home year-round.
Name: Anna McCown
Job title: Director, Commerce
Instagram handle: @annamcclown (my plant finsta is @thistlegrownicely)
Preferred pronouns: Her/She
How do you observe Earth Month?
This sounds cheesy, but I try to treat every month like earth month. I’m pretty consistent with avoiding single use products. It’s a habit you build, so for me, it’s about maintaining these healthy habits. The main difference is April is when I start my garden every year, so I spend a lot of time in April outside.
What inspired you to become passionate about the environment?
I think that the environment determines everything about our lives, without a healthy environment there can’t be a healthy us.
What steps do you take in your daily life to reduce your impact on the environment?
I avoid single use products and I compost regularly. When I can walk or bike somewhere, I’ll choose that over rideshare. Also, since I garden regularly, I do grow a good amount of my own produce and herbs.
How do you stay informed about being eco-friendly?
I follow a few social accounts sharing resources, I also am a part of the community group GrowNYC.
What can we do to encourage others to become more environmentally conscious?
It’s like any habit, you have to take small steps to implement change. If you aren’t currently environmentally conscious, start small and get a reusable water bottle/coffee mug.
What is your most pressing concern about our Earth and what steps do you think we can take to start implementing a change to the concern?
That’s a doozie of a question. While individuals making changes in their daily lives is great, a majority of the concerns about global warming, rising sea levels, and more need to be addressed with major corporations committing to implementing significant changes to move to renewable energy sources.
Is there an environmentally friendly brand, product or organization that you’d like to shout out & why?
If you live in NYC, I highly recommend following GrowNYC!
The earth is ____