Learn how singer-songwriter Em Beihold uses music as a prominent role in her mental health as she navigates stress and creates a positive environment for herself daily.
How do you use music to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month? // Why do you think music plays such an important role for your mental health?
I think music has the power to lift us up no matter what we’re feeling. Whether it’s music you can dance to alone in your room when you need an energy boost, or lyrics that speak to a situation you’re going through, music has that way of reaching a deeper part of us.
Who are some of your favorite artists to listen to, to boost your mood?
Marina, The Beatles, Still Woozy, Oh Wonder, Ashe, and Lily Allen are the initial names that come to mind!
Do you have any advice for those who struggle to practice mindfulness?
There are 2 main things I would recommend: journaling and walking. I’ve recently started doing a 3-page free-write every morning to unload my brain and it’s helped me feel more present during the day. I’ve also been going on a lot of walks recently (without my phone) that force me to practice mindfulness and appreciate the beauty in the little things surrounding me. I think it’s easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of our minds, but it’s important to take intentional steps to let ourselves breathe.